Massachusetts Peaches and Nectarines at Parlee Farms

Peach and Nectarine Picking at Parlee Farms
Our 2024 peach crop looks great and should be ready early August!
The sign of a great peach is when, after biting into it, juice runs down your chin. This is the quality that we strive for in Parlee Farms peaches and nectarines. We have 15 varieties of freestone peaches and three varieties of nectarines that we harvest from early August into early September. Our Massachusetts peaches are available for pick-your-own ~ nothing tastes better than a when you pick your own tree ripened peach! We also pick the peaches and nectarines at the optimum ripeness so you get that tree-ripen flavor our Farmstand without having to go to the orchard. The peach orchard is a 5 minute walk from the farmstand.
During the peach and nectarine season, details on pick-your-own hours and prices can be found at Today’s Farm News.